Thursday, February 28, 2008

So I had another letter published in the local paper...

I read a story (remember this) in my local paper, a "letter to the editor". I messed up and did not save the link. I responded in kind to this letter here and here. I wanted to blog it on this post. I searched far and wide, no luck Chuck.

About to give up, I take a quote from the "original" (this becomes humorous later, keep reading)that reads like this: "The rest of us must learn to treat all meat, and particularly ground beef, as a hazardous substance to be consumed at one's own peril."

As I type this, the hair is standing up on my neck, could that be a laser sight? Although I did not find the "original" letter I responded to, I found something else far more interesting. Across the United States and Canada, 18-20 "individuals" wrote exactly the same letter, in the same week, pretty much all of them being photocopies of the other.

Click on this GOOGLE link and check all these opinion pages with letters to the editor from a supposed local "Joe Blow". How could this be? It appears that it could be that word I hear too often; 'a conspiracy' I hate this word, read this ONE so you understand, I don't believe in the word, it's not to be repeated again.

So I can't find the 'original' but here is the letter I responded to :
This largest meat recall in U.S. history was actually brought on by an animal rights organization's undercover video showing California slaughterhouse workers using kicks, electric shock, high-pressure water hoses, and a forklift to force sick or injured animals onto the kill floor. USDA regulations prohibit sick animals from entering the food supply, because of the high risk of contamination by E. coli, salmonella, or "mad cow" disease.
About 37 million pounds of the recalled meat went to school lunch and other federal nutrition programs since October 2006, and "almost all of it is likely to have been consumed," according to a USDA official.
Parents must insist that USDA stop using the National School Lunch Program as a dumping ground for surplus meat and dairy commodities. The rest of us must learn to treat all meat, and particularly ground beef, as a hazardous substance to be consumed at one's own peril.

Here is my letter including an edit where they removed the word 'for'. When you are reading it just insert it where it was left out.

Drum Roll Please:

I am writing in response to Dominick Potenza's letter, "Message in Beef Recall" from February 21. I would like to introduce fellow readers to the term 'Management By Crisis.' I have lost count of how many deadly food supply headlines we have been fed in the last few years. Spinach, onions, Mad Cow, and this week, cows in a slaughter house. Guess what, folks, these are just a created crisis. Just wait for them to manage the crisis.
They will 'manage' the crisis with regulation that we pay which will do nothing to protect you. It will serve to legislate independent food growers out of business, all sold to you as "for your safety." This is the first of many stepping stones which will eventually make it illegal to grow food in your own yard, not that you can buy non-genetically modified seeds anyway. If you follow the growing size of super producers, our food supply choices are becoming extremely limited. Notice I am not referring to supply volume, but choice of source. Our food supply 'crisis' is just the latest of the others such as acid rain, bird flu, global warming etc.
Parents should not be concerned with the food their kids eat at school, all those inoculations have already poisoned them well before they reached school age. Besides if parents really cared for their offspring they would send them to school with food from home if that is still legal to do.
I look forward to eating food with bacteria and other organisms because I am an animal, my body has a wonderful self defense mechanism called an immune system, and I purposely exercise it regularly. I don't get sick, ever. That's how our bodies are supposed to work. Doctors and the big Pharma's may not agree but I believe they may have a small financial 'steak' in it.
I fear for my fellow sheepeople if we are to accept statements like "as a hazardous substance to be consumed at one's own peril" without raising one or two reasonable questions.
S. Grafton

Now this 'letter' to the editor is across North America, what? My letter shows up in the search twice because I used same line . It just so happens that it shows up as the last statement in all the articles, including mine. They are different papers, by different people on different days but the letters are exact. A couple may have varied very slightly.

What is most scary to me is this little enlightening happens just as I finish Sydney Rodgersons book titled Propaganda In The Next War. I read a 1972 printing. This book was first published 1938. He mentions things like Japan will probably be the country to bring the US into the next war. He mentions how Americans are the easiest to control with propaganda because since 1918 every American has been programmed with propaganda. Propaganda is all any of us know.

What does this mean to us? It means everything you think you know comes into serious doubt, does it not? This simple letter to the editor is an example of this. Why do they want us off meat? why be afraid of Clara-Bell? Why have they been doing this for years and years, and not just "It's Whats For Dinner" Threat of Nuclear War comes to mind.

It has been said that the slaves that built the pyramids where on strict diets that allowed them to work, but the diet left them too weak to escape or resist. What do the other countries call us, "Lazy Americans"?

What group is distributing it? Who is funding them?
"We are all pawns in their game" - B. Dylan

I feel like chess, how 'bout you?

Tim Hilliard

Friday, February 22, 2008

Henry Would Be Proud

I am referring to Henry Ford of course. I was just skimming through an article, or to be more accurate, a press release. I could not help but notice that Ford is claiming to have streamlined their consumer website to work more effectively with their (not yours) reality. This term from the article got my attention; "complexity reduction initiative" I finished the article but that was all I needed to know.

"You can have any color as long as its black", Henry's famous slogan needs to be dusted off, fed through an A-D converter and brought into the digital present. “We want to make sure that our consumer-facing interface on the Web, is in sync with those buildable combinations.” I am taking a wild guess that Ford still wants to give you the 'impression' of choosing a car, yet the choices are already made for you.

We have become comfortable with this phase of online 'choosing' that now allows Ford to accelerate their agenda and limit choices greatly. Just as we think we think as individuals, we think we are selecting our next car. The bright reader finally understands why I don't vote. You are choosing a pre-selected choice, sounds like a waste of time to me.

"It would alleviate a lot of the confusion if consumers had a choice of vehicle that matches typical availability.” I love when articles spell it out for me; my brain never had it so good. Consumers are dumb sheep, which need to be led to the cage to be sheared. Let me repeat Consumers are well educated, computer savvy individuals who want to experience stress-free transactions. See what I did there, I just covered your whole day in two very different sentences.... or are they?

Ford is saying we know what you want so we already picked it for you.Just as with our media, our food, our leaders, our rights, we have so many choices, they just happen to be the same choice, one, which you did not choose. The maze and the mouse comes to mind, we are the same as mouse ‘choosing’ a path to the cheese or in this case a car exactly like our neighbors. Why the huge customization market? That way we may have a chance of finding our copy-cars in the parking lot. Why do you think the OEM's are in the custom parts business now? Besides profit? It placates the herd so we don't realize we are being pushed through the chute.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Getting Back to...

What I was trying to discuss yesterday.

TRAIN SECURITY, like having to ride a train was not miserable already, now they want to remind you how easily they can manipulate you to be good little prisoners (as easily as I manipulated this fat cop to be fatter). People were moved by trains during WW2, maybe we should ask them how that's working out for them...oh I forgot we can't.

“In addition to the screening, counter terrorism officers with bomb-sniffing dogs will patrol platforms and walk through trains, and sometimes will ride the trains, officials said.”

This next one goes to my WW2 comments-I swear I don’t make this stuff up!

“Tim Connors, director of the Center for Policing Terrorism at the Manhattan Institute, said rail systems require a completely different approach to security from the one used in aviation.”

"Rail moves a lot more people than air does," he said. "It's designed to be an open system that can move a lot of people fast."

Yeah I bet it can move people, right to their new designated habitat ‘community”

“Connors said random screening could be effective.” Wow!

"A random approach is actually more effective than a constant one," he said, adding that when procedures don't change, it's easier for would-be terrorists to find weak spots.

“Amtrak hopes the new force can serve as a powerful deterrent to would-be terrorists.” So people like me, who may not like the fact that someone riding with me, trained to fear everyone, will be holding an assault riffle. That makes me feel safe, because these guys are always stable.

(AP) Amtrak police officers Douglas Davison, left, and Keith Goerz, demonstrate the equipment they will...threaten you with

“The teams will show up unannounced at stations and set up baggage screening areas in front of boarding gates.” – I imagine quite the soothing effect.

"What we are trying to do is make sure the bad guys know we're out there but don't know where we'll be, or when," Rooney said

Yes because that won’t infringe on my privacy at all.

Amtrak has received a number of federal grants aimed at boosting security, but officials said there was no specific mandate to implement the changes.

"There is no new or different specific threat," Kummant said. "This is just the correct step to take."

Money well spent, I wonder how many meetings they had to pick the pretty uniforms. Makes me so happy to pay taxes.

“Anybody who is selected for screening and refuses will not be allowed to board and their ticket will be refunded” – and you get added to a very special list, some say exclusive!

I have a question, what happened to the threat assessment color chart? I used to loose sleep dreaming what color it would be. Did they get the idea from that Matthew Broderick movie? Now I have to wait until Sundays and watch American Dad
I have one more question, how long before we have storm troopers riding the bus? How much longer before you have to consent to a search of your car to drive it on a public road? Riddle me that Batman!
Dopey Keith should write(funny, can he write?) a song for them to announce the changes. I'm sure it would be Patriotic, in a racist redneck sort of way.
Never a Patriot,

Rock The Vote

Cool Man. What lame group of useless people. Here is an idea, go get a job and move out of your parents house so you stop constantly reminding them of how much money they wasted on you. How much better their lives would have been if they used protection. Wow, that’s kind of rough Tim, yeah well the truth hurts.

They hurt my feelings because for some reason the Rock the Vote Nazi's overlooked my comment on their Rock The Vote Blog. It wasn't anything bad, or foul like you mental midgets come here to read (How very Albert Pike of me).

I have come to the conclusion that Rock the Vote, which is all about being involved man, using your voice to tell the man that you count and your going to hold your leaders accountable. Stupid f***s, far too many people reproducing.

I simply made a comment suggesting that young people who are raised, or more accurately programmed to fight 'peer pressure' which for you slow folks means do what your friends do, follow the group (or herd) and don't question anything anyone tells you. Don't worry some very rich and powerful people, who want to get your money now that you just happened to reach the magic age of demographic land; funded the Rock the Vote fraud. I suggested that they not follow the herd and exercise their right to NOT vote, because believe it or not this week, it’s still legal to NOT vote.

Oooohhhhh, but you want be cool like your friends and some UNDER CONTRACT half-ass 'music vessel' (recording artist) peer pressures you to vote, and register to vote.

Register to vote, where to go, where to go with this one. Predictive Programming, the wonder term. Get you used to signing up for everything, give complete strangers all your DEMOGRAPHIC (because we live in a DEMOCRAzY) information so they can tailor their marketing to you more effectively.

Marketing is the super secret 'culture changer', its is so hidden they put it right in front of your face, that way they will be sure you don't see a damn thing.

I know I am not enlightened enough to think this but how bad could it be...population control, it can’t be much worse then the dribble we destroy the human brain with.


Blogger You Suck (I'm Better Now)

I just typed a great rant, but I wanted to copy it into my word program, because it has a working spell check. I have no use for 8000 languages. I hit the wrong key, all gone. You suck, fix the basic crap and make me spell again. I will never get it right again.


Ok, someone must be watching me type, I went back into my edit post's and everything was there, mysteriously after I typed the title to this entry, I started getting autosave message errors.

Thank you NSA (or AT&T), maybe you aren't so bad after all.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why I Stay In Bed....

Minutes before I have to leave for work. So I get up this morning much earlier than usual, which I usually contribute to a low volume of spraying the day before. Of Course we had monsoon rains yesterday so 'they' could not dope us up successfully. I bet the local fish will be easy to catch for the next few days though. I can always tell when the spray volume is down, because I wake up without the exhausted feeling of the 'spray hang-over'.

Of course I’m referring to ‘chemtrails’, which I see on a regular basis in my area. I snapped these two near Route 495 in Hopkinton with my cheap picture phone while driving top work. Yes folks, jets don’t fly this low and jet streams dissipate. These chemtrails do not disappear; they float over someone else’s neighborhood to poison them.

This sums up it best: Source - yeah I know (stupid undercover fed patriots )
“Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio authored the Space Preservation Act of 2001, which sought a "permanent ban against weapons in space," specifically banning "chemtrails" as weapons. But in a subsequent version of the bill, the "chemtrails" language disappeared entirely. The missing words suggest an eyes-wide-open denial, which says as much about the cover-up as it does about the spraying that's plainly visible in the sky.”

Of course Dennis is another one-worlder take away all your rights psychopath like the rest of them, but he like most do not realize ‘their’ bigger picture so he ends up throwing a wrench in the works, while thinking he is playing along. True one-worlders like Clinton would by contrast pass a bill to increase this sort of thing, he gets it, poor old Dennis does not. Dennis will never be president; he was in the way and could not take the hint to get out of the way so ‘they’ made it clear to him when they took his brother out of the way.

Dennis, like our local boy big Ted, are not committed globalists, but play along with ‘their’ game to survive working from the side that works to delay the goals. Most refer to it as infighting.

Here is a better view viva Las Vegas

Maybe I will do another entry that was what I started to do before 'I got off the track'-hint hint



Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Patriots Made History....

Well, ok they did not win 'the' game, they became a part of a much larger game. Clinton's election. I am referring to the real man in the family, Hillary, and her campaign of terror, ooh sorry, "a new beginning". She was complaining one town over from me today, in Worcester, MA, which explains why I felt cold all day. She said the folks of Massachusetts and New York can be on the same team(not sure if she used the word 'winning', but I left it out on purpose) She claims the 'folks' will have a voice in the White House with her.
The good little globalist proves again and again how out of touch her speech writers are. I will try an give credit where credit is due, because I believe that is one the of the Writers Strike sticking points. Living in New England my whole life, I can assure Hill that New York and New England will never be on the same team...well unless the relocation centers are interconnected and they place us in the same work groups...but none of my fellow sheep believe me.
In the spirit of sharing credit, the little globalist actually reinforced my point from this blog entry, in a speech she gave on health care. Her plan is to garnish our wages if we don't purchase health insurance, to help pay for the program. Please read that again. I feel the expression "rob Peter to pay Paul" fits in very well. Of course if you read my Socialist Health Care entry you already know this is already happening in Massachusetts.
Now to get back to my original point, what team did the Giants play Sunday night? My team that did everything well 18 times in a row were not at the Superbowl. My theory, if I may, the NFL said you can play, you have a chance to win, but you are to hand over your play book, or that little video taping thing will end up with the 2002 Superbowl victory being stripped away. Yes New York, your team does not suck, but you had our number, as in our offensive playbook. Coach was digusted with himself, players know something is up. One of them even remarked blame is equal on all of us, the players, the coaches. There is no other explaination. One more thing, '72 Dolphins, I am not impressed, shut up, you went 17-0, we went 18-0. More games, more chances for failure and much better teams. I know the official number is 18-1 but I know that was not a real game, that game was about as real as Jimmy Johnson or Jeff Gordon winning a race when they had no chance with three laps to go.

There I said it.