Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Here Are Some 911 Thoughts...

...Since watching the Zeitgeist movie. Below is a copy of my 'Read Me First" section from my old blog:

1. Please try to be nice, even if I say something that pisses you off. I started this page to express my thoughts on the current mess that is the United States. I welcome comments from people who will take the time to read what I write but you have to check my facts for yourself. If you do not have the patience or attention span to follow a path of study, don’t bother me. I have read plenty of mis-information on websites that have 'truth' in the title. Many sites I have read are related to 9/11. The events of 9/11 had an impact on me. I bought what the media and my government told me hook line and sinker. At the time, I did wonder about certain aspects of what transpired at the time. In this time period I was employed as a welder for a large structural steel fabricator. I state this because I welded parts similar to what fell down. I could spend days working on a single part. So when you watch a building that is comprised of thousands of these days of uncomfortable positions, burns, heat, exhaustion and feeling of accomplishment, crumble to the ground in seconds, it tends to impact a person. The largest pieces I welded on were in the 21 Ton range. This is very heavy; the towers had much larger fabrications. The steel I fabricated was for 'small' buildings mostly under 50 floors. This was one of the ways I was affected. If you have to ask what about the life lost, and its impact on me, you are too stupid to continue leave now! I illustrate this other perspective because I need to. I have read and watched everything about that day and still have a hard time watching people jump out of a building. I have to separate the human factor. You have to wonder about a society that can't bury the past fast enough, I did not loose anyone that I am aware of, but if I did, I wonder if I would rather stare at a pile of rubble to remind me the United States reduced 3000 people to a smoldering pile of steel and drywall to gain American emotional support to conquer more foreign lands. I find history interesting, in that it repeats on a regular basis.

2. This is not a conspiracy site; I do not ‘buy’ into conspiracies. After reading most of the 9/11 sites I have concluded that their purpose is not find ‘truth’ but to continue a long held activity to blur the line between fact and fiction. I have found that if you absorb these ‘theories’ eventually everything you read as ‘truths’ are so un-factual you will be left feeling violated and embarrassed that your intelligence allowed you to ‘buy’ into it. I have an example that will allow you to make your own assumptions. Since the day the towers fell, the topics of explosives and thermite have been a mainstay of the conspiracy. Everyone has heard this, including the people at NIST and the 9/11 Commission. I argue that why would NIST not perform a simple analysis of the steel for ‘thermite’ or explosives, knowing that they would be asked that question. In fact the thermite question is listed in NIST’s faq page. They found no evidence to support testing for it, yet they knew it would be asked. Unless you found something (which I have not ruled out) why else would you not close the door on the most popular theory? If you eliminate the foundation of all the theories, the conspiracy no longer exists. The question becomes what are benefits of fueling a theory you are charged with dissolving? Magic, slight of hand, diversion. If you are still reading then you know American media has controlled what the peoples of a ‘free’ nation read. You need to read history for the perspective only provided by time. I would also like to point out my favorite use abuse of the media, anyone remember Terri Schiavo, the poor woman that caused congress to work late to sign emergency legislation to put the tube back in. Tom Delay gave a speech given to some Christian group "America had better start paying attention to what is happening in this country today", of course he was speaking of feeding tubes not the erosion of our borders. What is most disturbing is the media covered this poor woman and ignored the bigger news story of the creation of the North American Union. If you do not know about the North American Union you can google it, or go to our governments website and read about it.[] The media ignored this subject completely, only Lou Dobbs on CNN has brought this subject to the public. Our leadership has recently added a myth and fact page to dispel rumors of what this non-news really means for Americans. I had to research what happened in the spring of 2005 that overshadowed this non-news. I came up with Iraq and Terri Schiavo. I have since de-programmed myself to media with the help of Alan Watt I had discovered the North American Union/Terri Schiavo cover-up on my own a few months ago; Alan Watt spoke on the radio about this as it was happening. Alan’s insight has been very helpful to come to terms with my new world. I will cover many of these subjects in detail as time goes on.

3. Open your mind to the possibility that what you know, what you believe may not be ‘truth’. This is not to reflect upon you as a negative as long as you attempt to see through yourself and find your own truths. If you refuse to let go of your beliefs your vision of yourself will continue to be clouded by what is untrue.

Keeping in mind that I wrote this October 4, 2006, I still stand by everything. I have become more deprogrammed since. My point is that the Zeitgeist movie shows images of WTC center columns severed at the base. If these are real it explains things. Because as a former ironworker that has awoken to not trust anything reported in the media, I do not fall into the trap of buying that any plane could physically created enough damage to cause the center core to fail. You need to understand that these columns are huge and are self supporting. I would have believed the floors pancaking and outer wall failing, but the center core should have stood up, unless of course thermite severed the center core columns at the base. Once you believe that the people who run the world have no feelings for us, and will kill us as easy as they will "I feel your pain", the sooner you sheepeople will be able to reason these basic 6th grade science lessons for yourself.

As a side, I do not watch Lou Dobbs anymore, he is the one who will get the herd Federal I.D.'d and Chipped. He also sucked us in and got us to vote in the last election. I have not forgot that Lou, you psychopath.

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