Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why They Killed John Lennon

As soon as your born they make you feel small, By giving you no time instead of it all, Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. They hurt you at home and they hit you at school, They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool, Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years, Then they expect you to pick a career, When you can't really function you're so full of fear, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV, And you think you're so clever and classless and free, But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. There's room at the top they are telling you still, But first you must learn how to smile as you kill, If you want to be like the folks on the hill, A working class hero is something to be. A working class hero is something to be. If you want to be a hero well just follow me, If you want to be a hero well just follow me.
-Working Class Hero - John Lennon

Just in case you thought it was some whacked out fan that shot him. When you write songs like this that attack the Illuminati, you find your end.

But John, thank you.
Tim Hilliard

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Store Clerk Key to Fort Dix Plot Arrests

Original Article

Really?...Really?? I feel so much safer that these Terrorist's who did not have the where-with-all to burn a cd on their own PC were stopped before they pulled off this master plan of attacking a heavily trained, armed military base in America. Its not like Iraqi's are guarding the entrance. I wonder if we will ever find out that U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie was going to be the ninth man on Gonzales' list he didn't write...oh he wrote it but he didn't recall writing it...or he didn't recall but he did recall not doing anything wrong. Apparently U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie was really good at pleasuring the President, I have noticed Bush seems to be smiling more often.
"The six were arrested Monday night trying to buy AK-47 assault weapons, M-16s and other weapons from an FBI informant, authorities said. It was not clear when the alleged attack was to take place."
Maybe I am experiencing deja vu but why is it that the FBI always seems to be involved in supplying our 'Fascist Islamics' (Lou Dobbs) with the tools to pull off their attacks? Remember the big terror cell in Florida?
"The unidentified clerk is being credited with tipping off authorities in January 2006 after one of the suspects asked him to transfer a video to DVD that showed 10 men shooting weapons at a firing range and calling for jihad, prosecutors said."
If they were so dangerous why did they sit on this information for so long? I guess FBI needed time to teach the terror suspects on how to be terrorist's. I guess I had better warn all my white redneck friends that play paintball and shoot guns to leave their camera's at home.
"The restaurant's chef, Joseph Hofflinger, 35, quit after learning the owner was the father of one of the suspects.
"My son is in the 82nd Airborne," Hofflinger told ABC. "I won't work for a place that supports terrorism so I'm out."

Well Mr. Hofflinger, that is very commendable, using that logic I have to ask; when is your son going to quit?

Thanks G man, I feel so much safer,
Tim Hilliard
P.S. Say Hi to Mulder and Scully.

Anti-War People Don't Support Our Troops the government that sent them does. I came across this little tid-bit on the Social Security Administrations' website:
"Note: Change in special military service credits. In January 2002, Public Law 107-117, the Defense Appropriations Act, stopped the special extra earnings that have been credited to military service personnel. Military service in calendar year 2002 and future years no longer qualifies for these special extra earnings credits."


Who cares you ask? Apparently not the people you vote for. Most past military service peoples who collect Social Security that served prior to this Law are credited up to $300 per quarter of military service. While you are in the military you pay Social Security Tax on military earnings. Past retires are given this credit for time served as it should be. Surprise, surprise the same people who supposedly can't plan a war were able to plan ahead and bilk the current Vet's serving now out of extra Social Security. Of course if your real lucky and get blown up well enough that modern medicine cant put you back together again, your family gets a couple extra bucks to...(?) So your thinking of serving your country? What a deal, drive around in a Hummer with canvas doors to shield roadside bombs because they APPROPRIATED -(negative) dollars to your Social Security as thanks for your service. Sponsoring NASCAR is expensive because what else are we going to watch on Sundays during the NFL off-season. If you do make it to a NASCAR race the ARMY will at the track and happy to sign you up.

I support the Troops, I watch NASCAR,
Tim Hilliard

9/11, Stop Asking How!!!

Watch the video of Z-Big to the left. Click here for the direct link. Pay attention to what he says about 9/11 during the 10 minute mark to where Charlie cut him off (big surprise) "I understand the shock effect of 9/11" Yes that can be interpreted more than one way. Let me repeat, YES, that can be interpreted more than one way. Read my ABC post where I refer to 9/11. All you students of symbolism will notice the 'Washington background', notice blue tie, red tie, purple scenery, double cubes in side by side. Z-Big gives us coming attractions of future waste/de-population in the 'Global Balkans' a subject in his 2004 book. I am reading his 1970 book Between Two Ages where he correctly PREDICTS the end of America's Industrial Age as it transitions to a hi-technology - service industry age. He also makes other crazy predictions about something called the Internet(?) real time video communications(?) Predictive Programming? That is crazy talk.

I'm going to go sit in the corner now,

Tim Hilliard

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

People We Elect

This is an interesting paper I found on the Senate Democratic website from 2004. I highlighted some of the more notable sections:

"We were deeply concerned that these new deficits – unlike those which emerged in the early 1980s – posed an even greater economic threat to the country because of the nation’s current demographic profile: the aging of the U.S. population vastly compounds the problem. The
“baby boom” generation is now but one presidential election cycle away from retirement. We also have a relatively low fertility rate which will mean an economy with many more retirees and proportionately far fewer workers. The growing demands of our aging population for health services will therefore expand dramatically and entail escalating costs, and the result will be less public and private national saving and fewer resources available for economic growth. "

"The U.S. government is, to some extent, like an individual or a household: neither can continue indefinitely to have its debt rise at a rate faster than its income growth. Exploding deficits today – particularly during a period when we are about to experience a retirement boom, the likelihood of continuing sharp increases in health care expenditures, and a slow-down in the growth of our workforce which additional immigration cannot reverse – pose a grave risk to our economic well-being in ways that have never been experienced before."

"The policy recommendations were:
1. CED strongly opposes any short-term stimulus program that is not combined with a plan to restore longer-term budget balance.
2. CED believes it is urgent to implement a disciplined budget process that can address the longterm fiscal issues that face us.
3. CED calls on the President and Congress to establish a goal of balancing the budget (or producing a surplus) excluding the “off-budget” Social Security accounts over a rolling five-year horizon.
4. CED reiterates its proposal to restructure Social Security into a two-tier system.
5. CED reiterates its earlier recommendation that the federal government restructure the Medicare program along the lines of the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program.
6. CED believes that, whatever the level of spending, the defense and security budgets must be cost-effective and focused sharply on our new national security situation. We urge the Administration and the Congress to rapidly establish national defense priorities and program reforms to accomplish this.
7. CED recommends that we reduce the growth of non-security discretionary spending below its historical level and far below the 9 percent annual growth of the past three years.
8. CED believes that education reform is too important to be allowed to fail; the federal government, which has mandated a national effort, is obligated to assist the states in making it work.
9. CED once again urges the Administration and Congress to make basic research a high priority in the federal budget.
10. CED believes it is extremely unlikely that the long-term budget problem can be solved without additional revenues. We therefore urge the Administration and Congress to forego at this time any additional tax reductions (including the permanent extension of The Economic
Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act) that would further reduce long-term revenues."

As you read this think about what they are saying; Old people cost too much to take care of, they do not produce taxable income-useless eaters. Why border 'security' is a joke, we are inoculated so heavily that we do not produce new taxpayers at a rate fast enough to pay for the old people, even with increased immigration. Don't expect our friends from the south to be locked out anytime soon. It does not matter how much you think you have to say about what your kids learn about in school, the Federal Government is in the business of programming the future 'worker bees'. Its nice to see that you work hard to save for retirement but that money is never really yours, its just a tax in another form, kind of a legacy tax. I saw a book from the 50's about the pension idea; solving the problem because people used to work until they died, say in their 60's, better human environments caused them to outlive their working years so they needed a method of surviving. This book describes the how and why pensions were developed. As many retirees have found out though, pensions may evaporate due to corporate restructuring of health care coverage, punishment for living into retirement. When I read this document I can't help but get a sense that the only purpose we the worker bees serve is to produce, produce and die. So why do you vote? Stop it!
Everyday you are told to make changes you have to voice your opinion at the voting booth, how important it is to vote, voting is cool, rock the vote! Sound familiar, why do 'they' want you to vote so bad?

Freedom NOT To Vote,
Tim Hilliard

Why I Need My Own I-Pod

My wife stole back her I-Pod to listen to...of all .I have been behind on my Alan Watt Blurbs. Today I listen to his May 2 Blurb where he talks about the UK policy of recording school children's info to basically weed out the useless eaters. At first I thought great minds think alike because I was just talking about it in my other post. I mentioned the community that was offering the recording of children's personal data 'to protect' them. As Alan says quite often, Britain is far ahead of the US in its Police State goals. We at least think we have choices. I went through my email and found the following mail I sent to Alan on 1/22/07 after watching the news:

So "they" enable these two kids in MN to be rescued... now with all the media attention the parents are all freaked out so "they" conveniently set up a bank to take DNA samples of all the children in the community to keep on file in case they get kidnapped in the future.

"The secret to a managed crisis is to have people accept something as a resolution to the crisis that they would never have accepted if that crisis had not been brought to their attention" -from Blueprint: For Building the New World Order

Management By Crisis:
1. Those who desire a change in a specific direction and those who have sufficient resources, create, invent, or find an existing crisis.
2. They widely publicize that crisis.
3. When there is sufficient alarm among the people they always, citing renowned academics, propose their solution to the crisis.

This is why Lou Dobbs has not met a fatal end (yet) or been found with child porn on his computer.1. Border Security - Homeland security + Illegals + terrorists+ border fences+ amnesty + Biometric Id's for Illegals + For everyone + Mobil Speed Pass under your skin = Every human, pet and livestock will be gps locatable and fully dependent and non self sufficient.
Mon Furor

I felt like I was copying Alan, but now I know I am just applying what he has taught me. The scary part of other people having mass storage of dna, finger prints and photos of your kids means that that information can be used for very bad things. Dna does not change, finger prints grow. All this data is stored electronically, which makes it extremely easy to manipulate and change. It can be used by the eugenics' people for selecting the future breeders. How easily would it be for someone to take a dna sample from this database and place it in a report for a murder, rape etc. Oh but this data bases are secure, just like the Social Security Administration, VA, multiple credit card companies all who have received media attention for security breaches of your 'protected data'. They like to claim that this information is separated from the identification of child. Well then how would it work? They tell you this so you feel secure when in reality your id has to be linked with the dna and prints for this to work. If someone can break in and get dna data, they can get the rest of the puzzle. In the US all children get school pictures, even if the parents do not purchase a picture package. The school then turns these pictures over to law enforcement for id purposes. I do not know how many districts fingerprint but I bet most parents have no idea what their kids have done at school. Today to 'protect' students the schools are locked-down. Well what if a parent wants to visit their child unannounced? Why are schools becoming so secretive to what children are being exposed to? Are the kids locked in or the parents locked out? Just another example of breaking family chains to split generations and change culture. Parents no longer have the time to grill kids about what they did at school today because they are all working to pay for the way too big house and fancy cars.

God Bless the American Way
Tim Hilliard

Monday, May 7, 2007

Autism and Nappy Ho's

So how many people think that antique half dead completely brain dead radio...sorry confused Imus with the Leader of Color. Imus says stupid things all the time. It was when he did not stay to the script and said something intelligent got him in trouble. The medical community is providing our children with shots that poison them and in many cases cause Autism. I speak to more and more parents that are questioning whats that shot for? Don't worry Mrs. Smith we give this shot so your child will develop a cancer in his 30's, very safe and required by law. If you have been around for a while you will be very surprised at all the extra shots given to new arrivals. I find it shocking that kids today develop so many medical problems. I don't understand, we give them the best medical care in the world, all these shots to protect them AND they still get sick, I don't understand. Funny how I never missed any school, perfect attendance in 4th grade, only a day here or there my entire k-12 career. I bet I would have had perfect attendance had I received all the shots available today. So if you still think Imus was fired for a hair/life style comment and not for clashing with the government/medical people (Drug Inc.) do us all a favor and go get a flu shot.

Become a threat, think,
Tim Hilliard
P.s. I am starting to warm up to their de-population model.

A Post from the Past

The following is an un-edited for word count letter to the editor I had published in a couple Boston area newspapers last fall. I was still de-programming, and somewhat angry. I missed the mark in some of it but it still has merit. I am not an elected official so I admit mistakes, and change my mind when presented with new information.

Letter to the Editor:

The American media has reached an all-new low, if this is possible. The attacks on Chavez are very embarrassing to me, someone who has read the history of our foreign policies in the past century. First off I thought the Freedom of Speech was a RIGHT but network news has been preparing us for a change to Privilege of Free Speech. We push our way of life constantly as long as it is on our terms, but God forbid a Foreign leader come to our country and what’s left of our Constitution to express their views, we call them names, or even more embarrassing refuse to acknowledge them. That sounds like the land of the free to me! I have recorded all the coverage of Iran’s President and the Chavez speeches. As usual the media has played sound bites, but if you listen to what these leaders are saying, the American people may understand why people hate America. This brings up another point, ‘They’ (which is now a majority of the world) hate our policies that have crippled them for decades, and they do not hate Americans. The fear mongers will happily continue the lie that is terrorism, so they can continue stripping us of our basic freedoms. Americans need to wake up to what has happened in this country. Border issues, terror, and unwarranted invasions, acts of terrorism in foreign lands prove that as controlled, as the media has always been in this country the truth of America’s crimes against humanity are in the public eye. It is always fine if we do it because we are right, but if they do it…well plane crashes, coups tend to curb others from doing it. They go down in history as comic strip characters, dangerous evildoers, and terrorist leaders.

Timothy Hilliard


Funny how every week. Spaders' character is 'allowed' to go there on Boston Legal. If you have been de-programmed (or re-programmed) these episodes take on a whole new meaning. Last week was more subtle, changing the culture (the Doll Trial). Others have been about Homeland Security, Bush, Iraq... The Dolls are little slutty dolls that are sold to little girls. It is highlighting the way our culture is manipulated over time to new lows that become morally acceptable. The idea is to separate every generation from the last as soon as possible. Why do older people always gasp at younger generations? That's the plan. If you do not divide the generations you run the risk of passing the morals of one generation to the next. The culture would not change, you need to break that chain. Family inhibits change, a strong family forms the links of the chain and keep them together. The values you are raised with, passed down to you, passed down to yours. Outside elements work very hard break these links, insert new links, new values, morals, new culture. These elements use many tactics, predictive programming, management by crisis, others. PP(predictive programming) is widely used, coined by Alan Watt is everywhere. The tv show 24 single handily 'taught' America that torture works and is needed to protect us. America passes a law making it legal! Speaking of Homeland Security, break down the words: Home (family, safety, comfort, American dream, possessions) Land (patriotic, possessive, protective) Security(dooh!). I used to watch Lou Dobbs, can't sit through it anymore. Lou is a great example of management by crisis (Far as I can tell, some think tank dreamed this one up) Two words: Illegal Aliens. He beats this to death why? Create a crisis, manage a solution. {Those of you who were more than a little disturbed by the Patriot Actcidentally took all your freedoms, break down the words Patriot Act. At least 'they' have a sense of humor.} I hope you all realize what the immigration solution is to this crisis. Some sort of Bio-metric/rfid id card. To protect us from terrorist crossing the border, we will be required to carry a card with all sorts of personal information (much more than current drivers license with magnetic strip)It will contain rfid chips that will trigger your location in a network already in place where ever you go. It will work just like your FastLane/E-Z-Pass you have in your car. How is your freedom now? The only reason your current drivers license has not replaced our cash, credit cards, keys, medical records etc. is not due to technology. The reason we have not crossed the threshold is culture. Humans are a stubborn bunch, they do not like change. Culture change is tedious, ATM Cards, Mobil Speed Pass at the pump then to the register(PP) FastLane, no lines no waiting, no hard currency(PP).Human-less check-outs at the grocery store(when they work right) As an aside do you realize the most expensive component of self check-outs are the parts that handle hard currency, which is an example how humans throw a wrench in the works...we should have been off of hard currency long ago but to keep pace with the plan they have to introduce us(PP) to the new while slowly weening us off the old. Money has been the biggest problem through all ages of human existence. I think the best PP so far has to do with this currency problem. How many of you have been to a Casino and played the slots? When you play you get credits. What are credits? Money, a new form of currency. What group is the hardest culture to change? Old people. What group makes up a majority of Casino customers? Old people, young people will adapt to a new currency with little problem. The PP solution is to change the culture of the old ones that survive the attempted de-population through medication of the useless eaters(a topic in itself). Another PP used by the casinos is to turn humans into cattle herded to the barn/slaughter house. Watch a bus show up, unload a load of grey haired soon to be ghosts, filter through the very wide entrance that acts like a funnel. Drive to a slaughter house and watch the cattle get trucked in. Getting back to management by crisis; create a crisis, create a solution, to protect us they hand out new North American or ID of the Americas for you Ameuro's which of course we will gladly accept because we want to be safe. We have been taught through Predictive Programming and pushed to the edge by a Crisis. So I do not watch Lou Dobbs anymore. A couple months ago a boy was kidnapped, he got away and it was discovered that a boy was there that was kidnapped years before. He was rescued and re-united with his family. The report ends with the announcement that the community will be holding a child id event to allow concerned parents to have their children finger printed and photographed(dna may have been part of it also). This will allow law enforcement to better save our children. Management by Crisis. Unless the media reported and created a crisis, sane people would never turn over loved ones most personal items. Just like sane elected officials would never have signed off on the Patriot Act. Nixon, Ford, Carter put the pieces in place for Bush under Regan, Bush, Clinton to push the bills through that allowed this bill to be legal. Clinton was supposed to have gotten it done but those pesky humans would not bend. So Rove, Cheney the rest of the clan dream up a master plan. The ultimate management by crisis:9/11. That's all I will say, all the sites that delve into the conspiracy, are just another planned distraction. There is no conspiracy, 9/11 was an excellent, well thought out and nearly perfectly executed plan. This group of men published the plan years before. Commonly referred to "a Pearl Harbor type event will be required to push through this bill"(for the slow folks out there, the name Patriot Act is part of the humor) . Do not bother with the big 9/11 web sites, they miss the point. Who cares about the how, ask the why?(JFK Movie PP) And why I am not angry by the events is I am now an avid reader of history and understand the plan. You can be angry, or you can spend your time on earth understanding the why, someone tell Sean Penn. I tend to ramble on, but it happens when you turn your brain back on by reading.

Keep the faith,
Tim Hilliard

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Wake Up And Shut Up

I have been on quite a journey since last summer. I went from ignorant and happy to sort of educated and very angry. If you caught Penn on Maher's show on Friday; that kind of angry. Currently I am fairly at peace with the world, less angry, more educated (I wonder if that would work for 'others'?) I arrived at this point after reading 5600+ pages in about 20 books since June/July. I watch too much tv, but much less today. I recently cancelled a bunch of recordings in my DVR (Tivo). I now see through every news broadcast, most tv shows, newspapers. I used to vote, I will never vote again, you should never vote again. 'They' can not manipulate votes to the pre-planned outcomes if everyone ignores their 'patriotic duty' and does not vote. Everyone stay home and continue to melt the remaining live cells in your cranium watching 'reality' tv. When you vote, you give 'them' permission to continue their plans. At this point those of you who still have a few wires connected know where I am headed and where the title originated.
More to follow,
Tim Hilliard