Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Store Clerk Key to Fort Dix Plot Arrests

Original Article

Really?...Really?? I feel so much safer that these Terrorist's who did not have the where-with-all to burn a cd on their own PC were stopped before they pulled off this master plan of attacking a heavily trained, armed military base in America. Its not like Iraqi's are guarding the entrance. I wonder if we will ever find out that U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie was going to be the ninth man on Gonzales' list he didn't write...oh he wrote it but he didn't recall writing it...or he didn't recall but he did recall not doing anything wrong. Apparently U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie was really good at pleasuring the President, I have noticed Bush seems to be smiling more often.
"The six were arrested Monday night trying to buy AK-47 assault weapons, M-16s and other weapons from an FBI informant, authorities said. It was not clear when the alleged attack was to take place."
Maybe I am experiencing deja vu but why is it that the FBI always seems to be involved in supplying our 'Fascist Islamics' (Lou Dobbs) with the tools to pull off their attacks? Remember the big terror cell in Florida?
"The unidentified clerk is being credited with tipping off authorities in January 2006 after one of the suspects asked him to transfer a video to DVD that showed 10 men shooting weapons at a firing range and calling for jihad, prosecutors said."
If they were so dangerous why did they sit on this information for so long? I guess FBI needed time to teach the terror suspects on how to be terrorist's. I guess I had better warn all my white redneck friends that play paintball and shoot guns to leave their camera's at home.
"The restaurant's chef, Joseph Hofflinger, 35, quit after learning the owner was the father of one of the suspects.
"My son is in the 82nd Airborne," Hofflinger told ABC. "I won't work for a place that supports terrorism so I'm out."

Well Mr. Hofflinger, that is very commendable, using that logic I have to ask; when is your son going to quit?

Thanks G man, I feel so much safer,
Tim Hilliard
P.S. Say Hi to Mulder and Scully.

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