Friday, March 7, 2008


I would love to have a job where I get assigned a nice, practically new car, drive around all night and idle my car while I talk to people. By the laughter I am sure it is official Police business. What that business is depends on what your definition of 'is' is. I'll back up with some background on my little story.

I live in a habitat area, sort of, you may call them apartments. A few weeks ago I was you-tubing some live music when all of a sudden I heard a crunch. Nosey as I am, I peek out the winda and what do I see? My neighbor pulling forward in the parking space, right next to me. I had no interest at the time to explore the source of the crunch, so I waited 'till daylight.

A couple of hours later I go to my car to find the majority of my taillight on the ground in very un-taillight like pieces. I look on my windshield to grab the note that says "sorry I hit your car, please call me and we can straighten this out" I was saddened, no note. Trying to be neighborly I left her a note, stated that I could replace the taillight with a used one for $65. I thought it was reasonable, my neighbor did not.

My neighbor never did try to make contact with me, even though I left her my number. I don't even know her name, so we will call her A. Hoar or AH for short. AH was supplied with an easy to understand note, with pictures of my non-taillight and my paint on her bumper. AH had my phone number. She chose not to be very neighborly.

I left her another note, stating the same thing, plus the fact that she should not talk on her phone about being "sooo drunk last night, I can't keep up with you guys", you never know who is listening. No response, at least the first note got a phone call from someone, not her, an acquaintance stating that he lost his cell phone? That was a well thought out ploy, call the number you don't own. I stopped in the local Police Station in Grafton, Massachusetts and this is where it gets interesting.

I had a funny feeling the moment I entered the building. I spoke with one of our 'protectant servants' but he seemed to me not to be overly surprised that I was there, and not very interested. I showed him my pictures and he only mentioned my car, not AH's. Lets just say it was a short conversation, my retina's were sore later on, should I be nervous?

So this morning I come home from work and a few minutes later AH arrives home and successfully navigates into a parking space. I observe AH pull forward (no crunch this time) and out of nowhere a shiny new Grafton Police cruiser. I thought wow, it finally caught up to her, I was wrong. They had a 40 minute conversation in the parking lot from around 2:20 to 3:00 am. The public servant stayed in the taxpayer supplied ride while AH stood outside in the cold. Poor thing did not appear dressed for the weather. Whatever the subject matter, it must have been funny. I wonder if my name came up, not to hard to find out who I am with taxpayer laptops in taxpayer police cars.

I wanna be a Grafton Police officer, where else could you afford to sit idling your car at $3.07 a gallon, for that period of time? Oh wait, you don't pay for that gas, its free(sort of)! My current employer would not be current if I tried something like that. Where I work its called 'stealing time' But as a 'protectant servant' I would be connecting with the community. Like all small towns, Grafton has huge budget surpluses, gas is almost free its so cheap. I really think I could do it. I might have trouble deciding where to park each night, but that's the level of stress expected of you to handle, your a professional.

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