Monday, December 3, 2007

Hillary's Bomber

I have a difficult time with this one. First off the cable news networks during the whole charade never once did they have the stories correct. My Wife, the news junkie, watched this story unfold, flipped between CNN, CNN Headline, MSNBC and FOX news and they would report wrong information, they might get one thing correct but then they would be wrong about something else. As She switched channels, it was like the networks were reporting on different stories. One would report he released the hostages, one report he released one, two, none. They had trouble with identifying him. The saddest part was CNN, who was on the phone with the guy. This suspect, Leeland Eisenburg, if that's even correct, is still alive? He was not manhandled? Why is he not dead? This is an obvious staged event, I am sure no firing orders were given. He was articulate, cooperative and followed instructions, and he just happened to have a message which fits in so well with the socialist health care agenda of the Candidate. Did I mention after he released all the hostages, they did not fill him with bullets. Something smells fishy to me, are we sure Hillary was not there? In the fear monger world of Homeland Security, a guy with a bomb at a Globalist Wife's campaign office is not taken out? Are these questions even legal to ask under the Patronizing-Me Act? He called the Governor's office the day before, maybe for final instructions. Hillary's new message will be stolen from the future first man..."I feel your pain" Hill can use her Southern Black Sharecropper accent that was so well received. "Just as I experienced first hand in NH, the useless eaters have been indoctrinated to be interdependent on government, they need us to help them, the modified food, fluoride in the water, the spraying, the sheepeoples are ready for socialised medicine" That is a future quote of the meaning of her future speech, Bill will help her make it sound smooth.

Then we have my other favorite subject, Knuckle Dragger's, you may know them as SWAT. The superstar from this little dog and pony show grew up very close to me, fortunately he moved far away. He did an interview with the local paper of his "stress and adrenaline". He comes by his psychopathic ways honestly. His father is the local Building Commissioner who has been involved in some...lets say sketchy dealings with property rights. Wood boilers come to mind. Lets just say Dad fits right in with the United Nations Agenda 21. Anyway the kid is a typical mental case, would not surprise me if there is a reason he is no longer employed by a Massachusetts town police force. They may have "less stringent" guidelines in New Hampshire. Look at his picture in the interview, it fits that he took the career path he settled on in the third grade. I gather all mental development stopped in the third grade as well. I remember when I was that age, I wanted to be a fireman, a cop, president and rich. I grew up and reality set in as I mentally developed into posing as an adult. On that note, here is a quote I needed to re-read a few times, "It was freezing cold out and windy and everything else and the stress. You basically relieve each other every four or five minutes.'' Is this due to a shrinkage issue combined with BPH? I guess I'm REALLY not a "team player". So I just ripped on "local boy makes good", you put yourself in that position when your EGO is bigger than your "GUN". I think this is all predictive programming for the sheepeople as an instructional video on how to behave on their way to Auschwitz...sorry, regional concentration....internment...really sorry, relocation camps...sorry again "pre-determined habitat areas". Have I told you about the Police Officer in Maine who got let off after murdering an 18 year old kid? Apparently, when you shoot someone in the head its only murder if you are a civilian, self defense if your Law Enforcement. Tasers not so bad, eh?

I'm not resisting,

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