Sunday, July 8, 2007

Stop Watering Your Lawn...

...because the demand exceeds the supply. We have to conserve water because you people waste too much water, waste water on yourselves, your lawn, washing your car or how dare you!...watering a garden that produces food that you eat. How dare you become self-sufficient. We need this water for more important to fill the voids in the water system caused by the leaks in the water system.

I was a child of the 70's, growing up with Mister Rogers and Big Bird, The Cookie Monster, the million gallons water, huh, huh, huh, two million gallons water, huh, huh, huh. Sesame Street had the cartoons with the "How a Bill Becomes a Law" and the turn-off-the-water-while-you-brush-your-teeth-or you-are-going-to-kill-the-fish-that-lives-alone-in-the-pond-outside-your-bathroom-window-because-that-is-where-the-water-you-brush-your-teeth-with-comes-from. Remember the Indian guy who has a tear rolling down his face because the white people destroyed "his" land. I think that same guy runs Foxwoods today. So as a product of all this meaningless propaganda I found an article in the June 8, 2007 Hard Hat News about the worlds and our water system very amusing.

In England, up to 60 percent of our precious water leaks out of the pipes designed to carry it to you, to waste. In California, 50 billion gallons a year leak out of leaky pipes, but how dare you wash your car. In New Delhi, Manila, and 'other' places like them, the losses are 75 percent. Most US cities also have leaking sewer pipes, that leak in not out. The sewer pipes leak water in, so we process more sewer gallons than we should be, so the treatment plants are treating 50 percent more water than they should be. It would not surprise me that we are treating the water that leaked out of the fresh water pipe and into the dirty water pipe. The water lines are usually next to each other in the ground. See we recycle without even trying. In America we lose enough water to supply the state of California ALL THE TIME.

You ask why don't we fix the leaks? The official answer is money. It is cheaper to charge us more to offset the waste than to plug the leaks. I don't buy it. This is a supreme Alan Watt-ish example of them screwing with us. This is an acid rain, bird flu, global warming created crisis for them to manage by bilking from us our money and freedoms (i.e. independence). We are to follow the U.N. charter of being interdependent. I have spoken about management by crisis in previous blogs so you can read about this little tool there.

They want to control where you live with habitat centers, what you eat with modified foods, what you think with information control through the media. If you can still think for yourself, articles such as this are clean cut examples of how it REALLY works.

Go water your lawn, I have to brush my teeth and kill a fish.

Tim Hilliard

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