I was always curious how a Letter to the Editor could be written to every newspaper using exactly the same words by hundreds of different people. I finally found out how it works. This post from way back scared the crap out of me, still does but for different reasons now. Instead of the collusion of all the newspapers to spread propaganda on tainted beef turned out to be the unintentional collusion of the sheep to spread the anti-meat message.
This is what I found, interesting link that makes it easy to spread your spoon fed thoughts on a subject you appearantly have all the facts on and very strong convictions. Please try it out, enter your zip code, then choose a paper and see what pops up. Oooohhhhhh, that's how they do that.
Now I am scared that this has become a powerful tool when combined with tv programing the sheep have no choice but to give up meat or nuclear power. Reading the letter will leave little impact but that seed is still planted. Once subjected to tv broadcasts that seed begins to grow and before you know it it's ready for harvest. Off to the voting booth they go.