Amazing how the media can bury some stories. I just cant help but wonder if the ruling elite have special Palm Pilots that can control the nanobots is our blood stream. If you question, call out, or make movies about things like Aaron did that anger a 'Rock-A-Fella'. Aaron was friendly with Nicolas, he's like the Daniel Baldwin of the Rockefeller Cartel. I understand they want us all 'chipped' so they can track us like the cattle we are, but I wonder if the chip is really the final link in the chain. The chip can be used to transmit commands to the nanobots already in our blood. All the media coverage of late involving the wonderful nano technology - begs the question: If your telling us this now, how long have you been putting it in our food? The vaccine masters of Polio fame admitted to installing cancer cells in the vaccines everybody had to have. Of course they created the Polio crisis to be able to manage it. That in turn allowed them to shoot us full of every modern disease we have today. They know which people will be predisposed to different cancers based on DNA and very elaborate medical histories - another reason to stay away from doctors.
Soooo, you consume food to survive, go to the doctor and get a flu shot... so you wont get sick- yeah that's funny. Nano technology can injected or consumed, even in Jello as the MOS points out. Nanobots are small specks of carbon that essentially can be made to do certain jobs. They can be programmed to hookup with each other and form larger bodies in your body. They can become little armies that go to war against specific cells. That can be good, or can be very bad.
A 1999 X-Files episode S.R.819 predicatively shows us how this technology works when Skinner is injected with nanobots and Alex Krycek is controlling them with a Palm Pilot. Alex holds Skinners life in his hands, the nanobots are always in Skinner, laying dormant until called upon. Alex is required to be in close quarters to be in range when controlling them. You really need to watch all the episodes again, as well as the movie, Chris Carter lifted all the topics from Bill Coopers book. He also created the spin-off Lone Gunmen, which had a little Plane vs. WTC predictive programming episode. All these shows are so unbelievable that I have come to rely on them for 'truth'.
Now, back to the great late Aaron, he is befriended by Little Nicky, quickly finds out how much of a psychopath the Rockefeller types are, and acquires cancer. Did certain cancer cells get turned on courtesy of an outside source? Do the ruling elite have these handy little gadgets? "Oh your going to make a film about the Temple(Federal Reserve)? Hang on I need to grab my Palm Pilot."
When we all line up for our chips, they will be able to control things from a central command center. The Verichip will be the antenna for the 'sleeper cells'. Imagine entire segments of the population being controlled based on the local water and what it contains. People that eat at Uno's could come down with breast cancer and the TGI Friday's customers could become fat, lethargic sheepeople...see it's already too late. Based on your generation, I.E. your level of inoculations, signals broadcast to your car stereo could program your bots through your chip(antenna) and cause you to road rage, slow down, speed up etc. Wait until the private sector gets a hold of this technology, Walmart could automatically control the traffic in and out of their stores for maximum profit. You could be at home watching TV and all of a sudden, you find yourself driving to Walmart.
My other thought is they are going to chip everyone for easier processing at the FEMA detention centers, and to speed up mass depopulation programs. Verichip actually advertises it as being ideal for post life i.d.
Truth is always stranger than fiction,
Tim Hilliard
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