The following is an un-edited for word count letter to the editor I had published in a couple Boston area newspapers last fall. I was still de-programming, and somewhat angry. I missed the mark in some of it but it still has merit. I am not an elected official so I admit mistakes, and change my mind when presented with new information.
Letter to the Editor:
The American media has reached an all-new low, if this is possible. The attacks on Chavez are very embarrassing to me, someone who has read the history of our foreign policies in the past century. First off I thought the Freedom of Speech was a RIGHT but network news has been preparing us for a change to Privilege of Free Speech. We push our way of life constantly as long as it is on our terms, but God forbid a Foreign leader come to our country and what’s left of our Constitution to express their views, we call them names, or even more embarrassing refuse to acknowledge them. That sounds like the land of the free to me! I have recorded all the coverage of Iran’s President and the Chavez speeches. As usual the media has played sound bites, but if you listen to what these leaders are saying, the American people may understand why people hate America. This brings up another point, ‘They’ (which is now a majority of the world) hate our policies that have crippled them for decades, and they do not hate Americans. The fear mongers will happily continue the lie that is terrorism, so they can continue stripping us of our basic freedoms. Americans need to wake up to what has happened in this country. Border issues, terror, and unwarranted invasions, acts of terrorism in foreign lands prove that as controlled, as the media has always been in this country the truth of America’s crimes against humanity are in the public eye. It is always fine if we do it because we are right, but if they do it…well plane crashes, coups tend to curb others from doing it. They go down in history as comic strip characters, dangerous evildoers, and terrorist leaders.
Timothy Hilliard
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