Friday, August 24, 2012

Nukes And The Aftermath

     The evidence in Iraq is very clear, it has been well documented even in approved media that the WMD premise was a flat out lie. Everyone except the Iraqi's and a large part of the International community is over that. Few if any US mainstream media has reported on the literal fallout from the bombing campaigns in Iraq. The bombing of Fallujah and occupying of the city included the Fallujah General Hospital "where patients and staff were ordered to the floor, their hands tied. Soon the bonds were loosened; the compound was secure."

the doctors and nurses at Fallujah General Hospital have seen things that they won't even publish to the general public. A massive increase in birth defects (if you can even call them that) since the bombing of the city, literally a horror show, babies with abnormalities that experienced people have never seen in their careers, and it's happening all the time. To quote Mr. Fisk "But the photographs are a damning, ghastly reward for such doubts. January 7, 2010: a baby with faded, yellow skin and misshapen arms. April 26, 2010: a grey mass on the side of the baby's head. A doctor beside me speaks of "Tetralogy of Fallot", a transposition of the great blood vessels. May 3, 2010: a frog-like creature in which – the Fallujah doctor who came into the room says this – "all the abdominal organs are trying to get outside the body.""

   While no studies with any kind of real funding will likely ever be done, the saddest part is the complete lack of support for the hospital to help any of these families. "Medical researchers have found dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukemia, even higher than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Uranium levels in hair and soil samples are far beyond comparable cases." I can understand the Coalition's lack of interest in what is causing this, they obviously know that answer, but not to help 'cleanup' their mess is just  so...dare I say American? I leave it up to the reader to determine what type of atom splitting or chemistry experiment has caused this, either is probable because stats are stats and ignorance is bliss.

    So the results are in, the rumors have been backed up with actually evidence that the US has been using some sort of tactical nuclear missiles during the war in Iraq. The most likely type of missile is the Tomahawk BGM-109 (TLAMs) due to it being reported that "Coalition forces fired more than 725 Tomahawk cruise missiles by early 2003, one-third of the entire number in the inventory." The Series II missile was fitted with a nuclear warhead. The Series 4 was launched in 2004 but I doubt anyone is going to fess up what kind of warhead was used or what it contained. It's all need to know and I am fairly certain the troops on the ground didn't need to know either. The non-proliferation treaties leave some back doors for tactical weapons due to the fact that they can be tuned up or down to fit under certain thresholds to be considered in the treaty. The US runs most of the policy for the world so no one will challenge it anyway.

   Dr Kypros Nicolaides, The Fetal Medicine Centre Director which supports The Fetal Medicine Foundation has been about the only outside help in Fallujah. I hope he pays his security teams well.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow, still here, amazing. So I figure I would lay out some thoughts:

So they passed a food safety bill that ruffled some feathers, didn't see that coming...oh actually I did.
I am impressed though, it appears to be partially legal to still think, didn't see that lasting. I have to say that the masses have gone completely to sleep, all the fear from tv has got them inline, you can't even mention something that contradicts the reality laid out by them men on the hill without being shunned or asked to leave the country. It is absolfuckinlutely insane. The Peoples Party of The United Republic is over. We are still hanging on to that religion thing, wow because I guess if we still think we live under a document written by man, we can live under a really unbelievable story written by MAN. We worship this fantasy of democracy like a religion so we might as cling to religion. I used to hold on to hope that some part of our existence was real, our lives are some mans game, we only think we control it, I know people see it, but they won't talk, they are afraid of unleashing the beast within them. It is to the point now that people pretend things didn't happen, if it came from the tv it is gospel. I just discovered today that newspapers are still printed, and have actual news in them. I learned today that our military is offing themselves in record numbers, there's something to be proud of. I can't even get people to read a fucking book, although our food supply is so disturbing I am amazed we still can remember to wipe.

If I see another cancer ribbon or cancer walk or have to avoid kissing some smucks ass because they were lucky enough to birth a toomah somewhere in their body, I will lose it. Here is my public service announcement:  Cancer is a tool of control, monetary and population. The food is poisoned to keep us down, make us sick. You need to use some logic, kids are not life long smokers, yet they have cancer, why? Genetic engineering, mommy has an unhealthy system that with dad's help she passes it on to you, the wonderful doctors inject your kids with poison, you feed them chemical laden food and have the gall to ask god why? That's very interesting, please tell me more. We have all this chronic disease yet no one see's how all of natures foods are blamed? As a populous we don't smoke, drink or eat fatty foods anymore, we eat a 'balanced' diet, meaning it helps keep the population in balance (controlled) yet we continue to decline. No one asks why, we just go to a doctor and get our medicine like good little worker bees. The critical thinkers have all left the building, that has become anti social, nobody will stand up, to be the one in the group to say WTF? If you question anything you are a nut.

Nuts used to refer to balls, I still have 'bout you?

Friday, January 29, 2010

So That's How They Do It!

I was always curious how a Letter to the Editor could be written to every newspaper using exactly the same words by hundreds of different people. I finally found out how it works. This post from way back scared the crap out of me, still does but for different reasons now. Instead of the collusion of all the newspapers to spread propaganda on tainted beef turned out to be the unintentional collusion of the sheep to spread the anti-meat message.

This is what I found, interesting link that makes it easy to spread your spoon fed thoughts on a subject you appearantly have all the facts on and very strong convictions. Please try it out, enter your zip code, then choose a paper and see what pops up. Oooohhhhhh, that's how they do that.

Now I am scared that this has become a powerful tool when combined with tv programing the sheep have no choice but to give up meat or nuclear power. Reading the letter will leave little impact but that seed is still planted. Once subjected to tv broadcasts that seed begins to grow and before you know it it's ready for harvest. Off to the voting booth they go.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's 'Bin' A While

Well yes it has, just wanted to give NaSA something new to track. So apparently the heavily sprayed sky is falling and no one seems to notice. I know this because the TV tells me so.
Patrice O'Neil points out the very Carlin'esq TerribleSecurityAbuses to train us how to willfully give away our remaining small amount of dignity all to make us feel safer. The comedy non-Christmas poster girl shows us how consumerism runs our lives, as the late Carlin also pointed out for...oh the past 30 years. I guess his material is now public domain because he made the right choice and exited before the 'media' hits the fan.
There has been a small amount of talk about the 700 billion, which in a country of roughly 300 million is a woppin' 2300 bucks. It may pay a couple months rent or maybe a house payment but it is pocket change. What passed right after this very well marketed bill? I know the sheep brain has troubles with all those zeros, but why does this gain attention over everything else. It almost seems like they intended to 'create' a crisis, not that it would be something new.
It seems that world market crashes occurred before the popular wars. This appears the to be deja-vuie, except the war came first this go around (thinking outside the box, wonder if Tom Barnett came up with that one all on his own) and the momentarily system has reached a breaking point. Time has come to get medieval which will be managed with the UNited method.
The wonderful global solution is coming quick, so get in line for your GlobalPeopleSolutionCreditIdentificationModule. It amazes me the sheep do not yet understand that the only thing they have to fear is fear itself. FearExistsAfterReality, we live in a virtual world, therefore we respond to the commands of the joystick. Just start asking who is playing the game?